Best Paid Survey Sites
Making money from home can be a great way to top up your income. Maybe you’re a stay at home mum who wants to contribute to the household bills, or perhaps you are saving up for something special. Either way, earning a bit of extra cash while you’re at home is a great way to use your free time. There are many different ways in which you can earn an income from home and one of the best and easiest ways to do that is by completing paid surveys.
What are paid surveys?
Paid surveys are exactly that – these are simply surveys you are paid to take part in. There are many different paid survey sites out there paying different amounts. Some pay in cash, others in points which you can then exchange for cash or vouchers to your favourite retailers.
How much can you make with paid survey sites?
This differs between each individual survey site. Some sites may pay you $1 per survey, whilst some could pay $5 and others may pay just 25 cents. It will usually depend on the length of the survey. How many you complete will depend upon the frequency in which you receive them. Some sites will send out several per day, others may only send you one a week. There may be some surveys that work on a first come first served basis.
If this is the case then you need to make sure you’re quick to complete them. Making enough money to be able to cash out can be a long process, so it is best if you sign up to several different survey sites so that surveys are landing in your inbox more frequently. If you are signed up to quite a few different sites, then you are going to make money quicker. After a few months, you will find that you are really starting to make money and this is a great way to save up for something special.
How long does each survey take?
Again, this differs between sites. Some may offer really short surveys which take a couple of minutes, others will be longer and involve you having to watch a video before answering questions. Shorter surveys usually pay a bit less than the longer ones, but it’s worth doing each one so that the money builds up. If you are signed up to a few different paid survey sites, and spend half an hour per day answering any surveys that are sent to you, then it really is an easy way to make money.
What are the best paid survey sites?
If you are looking for the best paying survey sites, then there is a handy guide to paid survey sites over at LearnBonds. For example:
- At Crowdology you can earn up to $10 per survey.
- Survey Junkie can pay up to $18 per hour.
- Mindswarms has a standard rate of $50 per survey.
It is definitely worth some research before you start signing up to anything. You may even receive some extra cash or points for referring friends and family.
What are the benefits to doing paid surveys?
Paid surveys are usually quick and easy. You can do them while you are waiting for your dinner to cook, or in the ad break to your favourite TV show. You can do them on your phone while you are on the bus to work or you can do them at night when you are up with the baby. It’s a simple and easy way to make a bit of cash and doesn’t require much work.
Paid surveys won’t supply you with a large amount of extra income, but it is something that is worth looking into if you have some free time. They’re a great way to make a little extra cash with minimal effort.