Achieving That Fitness New Years Resolution
At the end of each year, there are countless people who make the same New Years Resolution: to get fit. The issue arises when it comes time to enact on that promise and keep it. The lead up to Christmas, and a little bit after, the promise is there every time you eat something ‘naughty’ – it’s fine because in a few weeks you’ll be at the gym burning it all off. And that might be true for a month or two. Around 12% of gym members sign up in January, and most of them quit within 24 weeks. It would probably be more if they weren’t tied into a contract.
But when you sign up for the gym with all those good New Year intentions you never plan on quitting – at least not that you would admit to. So how are you going to stick it out when so many around you are dropping out? Whether you’re coming out of a fitness slump, or a complete newbie, getting into a fitness regime can be daunting; it’s not just about getting to the gym four times a week. You have to change your diet and your mentality. You need to restructure your life in order to fit it all in. But never fear! There are many tried and tested ways in which you can make your New Years Resolution happen – and continue to happen. All it takes is preparation, perseverance, and patience.
The first thing you need to do is get into the right frame of mind. Banish that little voice saying that you’re probably going to quit, that signing up for six months instead of twelve is a smart idea, that it’s okay not to go every day. You don’t need it – kick it out and replace it with a solid mantra of ‘can’. You can do this. Sign up, learn about the class times and get a plan on the go. Book in your gym sessions and classes and think of them as important as a doctor’s appointment. That way you are less likely to skip them if you don’t feel like going. Your will power is the most important thing that will get you through the food cravings and the sore muscles. So if you don’t give yourself that pep talk, you’re not going to succeed.
The Goal
Set a realistic goal for your fitness goals. If you’re trying to lose weight, then pick a number just under your ideal, and a time frame just over what you think it would take to lose that much. That way if you reach it you’ll be happy, and if you surpass it, you’ll be ecstatic. If your aim is to tone or bulk, then again set the bar slightly lower, and always aim to beat it. Refine your resolution to ‘I’m going to lose 10 pounds by March’ from ‘I’m going to get fit this year’. By splitting it into smaller checkpoints, you’ll make the whole thing seem much more manageable which will help you to maintain that positive outlook.
Diet Control
What’s the point in putting in the hours at the gym just to go home and eat your body weight in chocolate? You can’t treat the gym as a way of being allowed to eat the bad stuff – it doesn’t work like that. When you’re working out, you’re striving to burn off that saturated fat sitting in your body, so why would you just keep replenishing it every day? Gaining body fat is easier than losing it, purely because it’s in all the sweet stuff. You need to sort out a meal plan from day one. One that will cover three meals and snacks, and one that you won’t deviate from. If you’re bringing your fitness journey with the help of a personal trainer, then they should be able to help you sort out your diet. If not, then look into plans like the ones created at Nothing is stopping you from having a treat on special occasions, but for a true fitness goal, you need to not have that treat day every week. To help with muscle toning, think about adding a protein shake, or legal steroids like the ones found at into your day. Protein is your best friend if you are trying to gain muscle – either as white meat and fish, or through nuts, seed and vegetables, and, ideally, through both. Get that protein, and the right carbs and you’re set.
As simple as it sounds, and perhaps a bit inconsequential, you need to look at your wardrobe. If you start your fitness journey with making do with some old joggers and a baggy top, you’re not getting yourself into the right mindset. You need to invest in the right gear so that you are ready to work out. It’s like dressing for an interview – you look strong and confident on the outside, so you feel it on the inside. No matter what workout you’re going for, you need to get the right shorts or leggings made with a breathable material, tops made from the same, and – ladies – a well-fitting sports bra. Shoes should be appropriate for the gym; if you’re running outside, you’ll need a second pair specially designed for outdoor terrain. If you’re lifting weights, you might want to invest in some gloves to avoid the calluses on your palms. If you’re planning on working out to music, then invest in an arm strap for your phone, and sports earphones that will stay in while you’re doing whatever.
Workout Plan
Once you have all the gym information; classes, equipment availability etc. You need to make a plan. Again, if you are training with a personal trainer, then they will sort this out for you. If you’re on your own, then don’t fret. You can simply ask for advice from any of the gym personal, or you can follow a plan like the sort found at the body coach website we mentioned earlier. Make a plan of which days you’re going to be working on which part of the body, then narrow that down by creating a circuit of the machines and weights you’re going to use. Bare in mind that you aren’t going to be the only one at the gym, so you might have to switch it up if there aren’t any treadmills free for example. But otherwise, stick to the plan. Choose the right exercises for the fitness gain you are looking for. If you’re concentrating on cardio, then you’ll want to start and finish at the treadmill each session. If you’re looking to tone, but not gain, muscle, then choose lower weights but do more reps per session. You can find some help in choosing the right weight for you and your needs at Don’t start too heavy, remember that it will get heavier with each rep. So start light and build yourself up over time.
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