5 Frugal Things post 47 – Winter coats and sky bill shock
I have had the best blogging couple of weeks ever. I won an award! Did you know?! Im telling everyone I possibly can, my blog is the best parent and money blog!. I am beyond grateful for the award and I wrote my thanks you’s here.
The end of my no-spend month has happened and I am pretty proud of how I have done. I managed to make it all the way to 26th Sept with just essentials, shopping and petrol paid for. And I managed to make it through a whole four week period with no alcohol as well. We will see the benefits from this in our Oct and November credit card bill. We have a card we use for all regular spending that get paid off in its entirety every month:-) Whenever this is less than £1000 its a good thing and we have saved money which can be banked!
New Winter Coat
I have been wanting a new winter coat for a while now and I was going to use my vouchers I won from the winning the award to get a new coat. But no need as Aldi asked me to review a few clothes for them. Including a new coat! Here is the coat, I love it. Its very warm and will be perfect for cold football games. And the best bit, this coat is £19.99.
The autumn clothing range goes live this Sunday 1st Oct and includes some lovely pieces. They have skinny jeans for just £7.99. Worth a look when you go shopping!
Bean my personal finance assistant is being helpful
I logged into my Bean account to see what was going on with my bills and saw that the sky bill had jumped up by £33. Turn out I had paid for nearly two month worth of Sky Football rather than just the one month. It was right but it was definitely worth checking. Whilst on the phone to sky they also reminded my that the broadband was up for renewal 4th December. So they have recommended I call back on 4th November to organise a deal.
eBay sales!
I am not a fan of Ebay, it often results in issues with the buyer moaning about the goods they have bought. But I have given it a go and have sold a few bits this week and made £150. Fingers crossed all are received and the buyers are happy. Saying that I have already had one dispute raised saying they havn’t received the product:-(. I wrote this post a while back on how to sell successfully on eBay.
Preparing for Birthdays In October and November
The boys have written birthday and Christmas lists well in advance the events. This has been great as its given me time to research and get the best deal on things. I have been busily adding to Amazon wish lists and then monitoring item for prices differences.
Dinner with Uni Friends
I met up with my uni buddies on Tuesday night in London. We have been friends for incredible 22 years now. We always book a good Bookatable deal. This time we ate at Boisdale near Liverpool Street station. We had three courses and a glass of champagne for £30. Not a bad deal. We of course drank lot of wine as well..although they had a bin end sale so we at least saved £6 off the wine per bottle as well! So good to catch up.
I’m linking up with Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.