Monday Money #39 Energy Money Saving and Cancelling Sky

Ah Monday Money how you come back around so quickly each week. And this past week I have made some big savings, its that time of the year when annual bills are renewed or renegotiated.

I also had a day in London and managed to spend not much money at all, considering how many places I went! I love a day in the city and like to walk from meeting to meeting. On Thursday I got the train to Moorgate, costing £14.30 then walked to Liverpool St, walked to Borough, then walked to Tower Bridge then walked back to Moorgate. Just the 15k steps there and a saving on tube travel!

Dinner at Angler

I ended Thursday meeting up with my friend Natalie for a very lovely 6 course dinner at the Angler. This was a gifted meal from Buyagift so it was mostly free of charge. The voucher included a glass of champagne to start the meal, but we added a bottle of wine that we paid for, plus a G&T in the bar when we arrived.

Energy Money Saving

The Angler is one of my favourite London restaurants, a real treat for lovers of fish. The voucher we had gave us 6 courses but we actually ended up having ten, as there were loads of extras, pre-desserts, amuse bouche and petit-fours. It was amazing. Its a perfect treat for your loved one this week, its costs £135, why not treat your favourite person.

Energy Money Saving

Sky TV has been cancelled!

I have been a sky customer for four year and until this month was still in contract for TV. The most basic package I could have was the entertainment package still costing £26.50 per month. Alot for something we hardly watch. We mostly watch freeview available channels ot Netflix. The contract finally ended this month I noticed when the bills jumped up to £33.50. I called them up and have cancelled it, completely! No more sky. £26.50 saved per month!

Octopus Energy Money Saving

I have never stayed with the same energy company for more than one year, but this year I have. The direct debit payment has been £91 per month with Octopus energy and they emailed me to let me know my deal was ending. I did some digging for the best deal if I swopped and the best I could find was an increase up to £105 per month with Scottish Power. There is a reluctance to swop to an unknown company with the recent clutch of small energy firms going bust.

I called Octopus and asked for a better deal which they were able to do and have out me onto a fixed deal for another year costing just £92. So only a £1 increase. Really happy with that. Octopus energy are great value for money and have Which recommended customer services. Why not have a check to see if you can save by switching to Octopus. If you switch you get a £50 credit to first bill and so do I, win-win!

Energy Money Saving

Investigating Payment Protection Insurance

I have been looking into insurance this week to protect my income if I am too sick or injured and am unable to work. This is something I have always ignored in the past thinking that it would cost alot of money, I am sure I have got quotes in the past and it has cost in excess of £100.

I saw a post on Money to the Masses Instagram page which indicated it might cost more like £20 so I got a quote. Turns out yes, even with history of heart disease from both of my parents this insurance will cost just under £30 per month. It will provide enough income to cover monthly expenses and will kick in after three months and will last until 65.

It feels like a pretty essential insurance as there is, of course, no sick pay when you are self employed.

Next on the list to renew/renegotiate

Car and house insurance is next to renegotiate. My least favourite job of the year. I will look into these this week as you get a better deal when you renegotiate a few weeks before the renewal date of 1st March. My car insurance cost around £600 for two cars last year so I am hoping to get a much better deal this year.

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More to explore


Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

Personal Finance Expert

I write about personal finance made simple, lifestyle choices that will save you time and money, as well as products and services that offer great value.

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