Monday Money #37 – Aldi Skiwear and a day with celebs

I’ve had one of those mega busy weeks which has been brilliant, but also a lot of running around. To and forth and from London a couple of times, rushing to get back to pick up the boys from school or after school clubs. Sometimes life feels like a race to get from one place to the next. When weeks are like this I try to keep Fridays clear and use them to catch up on the week and get back on track.

Monday was Blue Monday

I spent Monday at a happiness pop up event with Staples UK. Once upon a time in 1998 (just the 20 years ago!) I used to work at the Baker Street M&S head office, this event was held in this very same building! It was a very lovely event with massages, fruit smoothies, creativity walls and puppies. Adding these to the office environment would make work a very happy place!

The puppies were beyond cute, four golden retriever puppies that you could sit in with and have a cuddle. We had a healthy lunch and listened to a talk from Professor Cary Cooper who talked about mental health in the work place and what is causing it to deteriorate currently. It made me so grateful for the life I now have running my own business.

Wednesday with Zopa and celebs

I whizzed back into London again on Wednesday to spend the day with Zopa. I have been working with Zopa for a few months now and was invited into their head office for #feelgood hotline day. They have Frank Bruno, Big Narstie, Frankie Bridge and Lauren Laverne in the office answering customer phonecalls. They were giving a bit of feel good back to out to the callers. Such a great initiative. I popped into the call room and listened to Frank on the phone, he is such a lovely guy. He really is a legend. And I got to chat to Lauren who is just the nicest person, really warm and friendly and really interested in my website!

I spent the day meeting lots of people from various areas ofthe business. I felt like the newbie in the office learning the ropes of what everyone does. Those meetings have generated lots of ideas for content to come over the next few months.

Aldi Skiwear is back

Aldi very kindly sent over a range of their ski-wear for the boys and I to try out. Its currently available in store. There some amazing bargains to be had. The boys are loving their new winter coats, which are just £14.99 each. I really love Jacks blue and white coat. Personally, I have been trying out ski trousers and two jackets, there is an under-jacket, that I can wear beneath my my regular puffy winter coat, or there is a ski-jacket. I can totally recommend the ski-trousers which I tried for football, they totally kept me warm.

Aldi Skiwear

This range is of course perfect for your skiing holiday and also a great range of warm winter clothes. We are totally snow ready here.

Aldi Skiwear

Another Injury with the boys

Having three boys means one thing for definite. A constant strong of injuries. The latest is Dylan whom has ripped open an old scar on his knee. Thursday afternoon was spent getting this properly sorted out at the doctors. I wasnt sure if it needed stitches or could just be left. Dylan has been told to rest it, as every time he play football he lands on his knee and rips it open again. We have managed a four day break, so fingers crossed that is enough to have it heal enough.

Disclaimer – This post contains items that are gifted and I talk about events that I have been paid to attend.





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Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

Personal Finance Expert

I write about personal finance made simple, lifestyle choices that will save you time and money, as well as products and services that offer great value.

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