I decided to make last week a no spend week after a few weeks of what felt like excessive spending. No spend means no spending on anything except essential bills, groceries and commuting costs.
Lets discuss no spend weeks, are they a good idea or not? I’m in two minds. It felt very restrictive, which meant that i decided to go out on Saturday and spend some cash. But it did also make me focus on clearing food from the freezer, focus on free activities to fill my time, with some very long walks that went nowhere near any shops. (For five of the seven days at least)
Overall before I go into the detail I think it was a good strategy for a week. It did make me think about all the little purchases that slip into spend on previous week, that all add up.
So how did I fair for the week? Total spend was £532, which is a lot I recognise, but there is a lot going on there behind the scenes. For some reason my Plum auto savings went a bit into overdrive and saved a huge £127 for me. I am currently sat on a balance of £550 in my Plum Savings, a balance of money I am keeping for holiday spending money in July.
I did have some essential bills to pay, fuel costs and grocery costs. These were £50 on bills, £100 on groceries (including a £45 M&S shop on Saturday when I felt the need to break the no spend and restrictions) and £75 on fuel.
This leaves just £50 spent on eating out, mostly a beautiful Sunday lunch with Neilboy. A £35 charity donation went to Grief Encounter. This was because I received £350 unexpectantly as a refund from my solicitors. My rule, if I get money I’m not expecting karma say pay some of it forward.
I also spent £36 on a new bottle of perfume. A total fun spend treat for me. I bought Eternity, the perfume I used to wear as teenager, still smells incredible, and got £4 in Boots advantage card points as well.
I absolutely DID spend less last week than I normally would so I declare no spend week a success. And I have a new perfume to show for it as well.

Lots of Filming Days
Part of my spending last week was fuel costs (that will be refunded) to drive to a Norfolk location for some very exciting filming. I’ll let you know when its on TV, its primetime ITV!
I also spent a day with a client filming at home on a campaign, again more to come on that. I love doing filming work totally one of my favourite Mrs Mummypenny work streams. For the past few months I have been manifesting that TV presenting money expert job! Its coming……

4 Weeks of no Booze
I shared a post on Instagram after a 5km run on Sunday. The past 4 weeks have seen the following happen.
5km runs done 9.
4 mins faster now than one month ago.
Steps done 320k. 80k per week.
Inches lost 2
No idea of weight loss
Money saved £500 in no booze and less crap food
Skin hugely brighter/glowing
Nails stronger, longer
Focus razor sharp
As well as a no spend week I also recommend giving up the booze. I’m not sure how long I’ll do it for but I’m enjoying it at the moment and feel like I don’t really need the booze. I must point out it has been a fairly quiet social time though, no drinking has been a lot easier.