How you can save money on contact lenses

How you can save money on contact lenses

Every week I check my Bean personal finance tool to see if there is any monthly bill that is costing too much or ready to be cancelled. The bill that I have highlighted to be dealt with this week is my contact lenses. I have a direct debit set up with Specsavers that has been in place for around five years. Until recently this was only costing me £8 per month, this always felt okay and good value for contact lenses. All was fine until a recent prescription check-up appointment. There was apparently a mistake on my account and I was paying too little. My direct debit went up to £18 per month.

I am sure I can get contact lenses for cheaper than £18 per month!

save money on contact lenses

Daily Disposables or Monthly Contacts

A few years ago I made the switch from daily lenses to monthly lenses. The daily lenses were costing me around £30 per month which really was too much money for me. Moving to the monthly lenses instead was a sensible financial decision. I always thought that daily lenses were much more convenient, but actually switching to monthly lenses has been fine. Yes you need to care for them every night by taking them out and putting in a case with contact solution, but that is it.

I have been known to accidentally fall asleep in my monthly lenses but have had no issues taking them out and then reusing them again. My lenses always last for a month unless I am particularly rough removing them from my eyes. This is when you might get a small tare.

I looked at the technical specifications – the water content, availability of a UV block, oxygen transmission, wetting properties and material. On the prescription side, we looked at the powers that are available and overall size, and fitting characteristics – see contact lenses uk

So it is definitely a sensible decision to make the move to monthly lenses to save money.

Ordering Lenses Online

Vision Direct is a trusted brand that offer an online ordering service. And I am really happy to see that my lenses will work out to be much cheaper ordering from here. Three months worth of lenses from Specsavers will cost me £54. But if I order a Johnson & Johnson branded monthly lens Acuvue Oasys I can get three months of lenses for £36. This is a huge saving so I will definitely be making the switch.

This is a brand that offers great contact lens benefits. The lenses are perfect for dry eyes which is common complaint for those of us who work with computers a lot. The hydraclear plus technology keeps your eyes moist throughout the day. It has smartshield that protects the eyes from irritation and the lens contains a UV filter to help keep the eye healthy.

Vision Direct offer next day delivery which is super fast, faster than I am used to. And no prescription is needed to order the lenses. So I can order them right now, cancel my Specsavers direct debit and save money straight away.

There is a wide range of more lenses available at Vision Direct, go take a look and see how much you can save. And even better you can get 10% off your first order with the code SURPRISE (plus free postage when you spend over £49).

The question now is what do I do with the extra £18 I have saved every three months;-)

This is a collaborative post.


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Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

Personal Finance Expert

I write about personal finance made simple, lifestyle choices that will save you time and money, as well as products and services that offer great value.

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One Response

  1. It is really awesome that there is an option of daily or monthly contacts. I would love to switch from my glasses to contacts. I know I would forget to buy more whether it was daily or monthly contacts, so I think it would be awesome to have them delivered instead.

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