Blogger Coaching Testimonials – How I can help you know your worth

The Success of Mrs Mummypenny

Mrs Mummypenny is very nearly five years old, June will mark my three year anniversary of leaving my employed corporate job to set up my company and boss this blogging world. Okay I maybe didn’t boss it in the beginning but I am doing great now.

I have done a bit of work looking back at what has happened in Q1 of 2018. Its been the best ever three months for work agreed. I have worked on thirteen, yes thirteen, branded campaigns, there has been Energy company campaigns from Octopus (I am particularly proud of this customer services campaign), Uswitch and the Energy Savings Trust. Plus a handful of financial services companies including Wealthify, UBS, Pensionbee and Evestor. I am beyond happy with the direction that Mrs Mummypenny is going in and it’s making really good money. I am now earning more than I did at EE, as a senior manager and I am much more better off due to not having that £1,000 per month childcare bill to pay. Oh and I should point out SO MUCH HAPPIER!

You can get to this place too with hard work and determination. A niche will help a lot, become well known for writing brilliant, genuine content about your chosen subject area.

blogger coaching

Blogger Coaching

This year also saw me launch my coaching business. I am so passionate about passing on what I have learnt to others. I want everyone to know their worth in this industry and charge the correct amount for the work they are doing.

I can help you to work out what you should be charging for all your blogging services. Do you know if you blog rate is right for your niche, traffic level, social following? I can help you to work out the right prices for blog writing, vlog production and social media posts. I can help you to come up with packages combining blog and social media packages offering brilliant value to your clients and great income for you.

I can help you with ideas on how to pitch and who to pitch to. And the 45 minute coaching session includes an example media kit that I send to you afterwards.

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Blogger Coaching Testimonials

Read some fab fab fab testimonials from recent bloggers who I have coached. Their earnings have increased HUGELY after our 45 minute coaching session!

Kirsty Holden of The Money Saving Mum

“Lynn is amazing! She is extremely knowledgeable in the sector of coaching she offers but not only that; she has suggested things that I never even thought people would be interested in/be in need for to add to my brand/network/services using skills I’ve had for like ever!! She has not only helped me with my blog side of things but also with my confidence which I will be forever grateful! 😘

Cass Bailey of Frugal Family

“I ended my coaching session with Lynn feeling more excited about blogging than I have done in a long time. Lynn gave me confidence in myself and my blog and shared lots of tips and tricks to help me get ahead and the very next day, I increased my prices and since then I’ve increased my blog earnings whilst taking on less paid work – giving me more time to focus on the areas of blogging that I love”

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Ellen Finlay of E L Feelgood’s Vintage

“It is with much enthusiasm that I highly recommend Lynn’s coaching sessions.  Her knowledge and expertise of the blogging world is truly phenomenal.  Her background and experience is her strength which has helped me realise my worth as a blogger.  She has a very special spark that only inspires me to continue to strive to become a better blogger.  Lynn, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with me.”

Morgan Woods of Morgan Woods Blog 

“I booked a coaching session with Lynn mainly to help work out my pricing structure as a blogger. I was totally clueless about what to charge but Lynn helped so much. She offered some really good advice and inspiration on where to focus my attention on next.”

Charlie Beswick of Our Altered Life

I only began blogging in May 2017 and have worked hard to build my site and credibility. Before my meeting with Lynn I had earned £190 in 7 months. After chatting with Lynn I have so far earned £1265 in 4 months. A huge difference! Lynn talked me through pricing, packages and gave me the confidence to know my own self worth and be more assertive in explaining the value I can offer to a brand. I’d definitely recommend working with Lynn. I think the figures speak for themselves.

Emma Drew of Emma Drew Blog

Before I started officially coaching I helped out many blogger with their pricing and commercials and Emma gave me the best testimonial ever. Real numbers quoted here!

“Pricing was one of the biggest things I struggled with, especially as a money blogger! I felt as though because I was writing about being thrifty I couldn’t charge brands what I thought was a lot of money. In November 2016 my blog earned £400 from sponsored posts, and after Lynn’s help I earned over £5,000 in sponsorship in November 2017. I am consistently able to charge a lot more for sponsorship which has helped me to really develop my blog and create content that my audience love”

I am interested, please sign me up! Just click on this buy now button to pay via Paypal

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For more information you can head on over to my Blog Coaching page with FAQ’s and even more testimonials.


More to explore


Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

Personal Finance Expert

I write about personal finance made simple, lifestyle choices that will save you time and money, as well as products and services that offer great value.

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