My Winter Blues Coping Strategies

I am a victim of the winter blues. Pretty much every year from around Dec/Jan to Mar I get sad, paranoid, anti-social and lose any kind of focus I have ever had.  There I said it out loud.  Here are my winter blues coping strategies!

The Winter Blues - My Experience and Coping Strategies

This has been happening ever since I can remember in my adult life. Some times it hits me hard and other times I get through it. Last year was one of the worst times. I went into a deep spiral of negativity, I was working full time and hated my job. I was being bullied and undermined by a senior to me person at work and felt like I was failing at pretty much everything from work, to being a mum to being a friend and a wife. And I got fat. Basically everything that could have gone wrong was going wrong.

I did all I could to bury myself; worked from home and did what I could to get by at work without attracting too much attention. I missed the work Christmas parties though. Christmas and New Year went by in a bit of a non event. I hid from the bully at work, avoided every possible meeting with her. This of course impacted on my job and I was seen to be under-performing. I took as much holiday as I could over the Christmas period in the hope that I could go back to work feeling better in January. I didnt. It’s funny when you go through this you think its obvious to everyone, but it isn’t. No one comes to your help, maybe they have too many of their own problems?

I got through to February, god knows how, and my wishes were granted. The redundancy carrot had been dangled in front of me in Dec, but then withdrawn (??!!) but was offered again in February. I remember the feeling when I got the email. I was sat in a huge meeting full of very important work people. The redundancy terms and offer popped up..I could have screamed, there was my way out. As I have learnt over the years when it comes to fight or flight..I often take flight. I work out is the battle worth fighting, in this situation after 6 months of hating job, bullying it was so much easier to flight. SO I did.

Suddenly life got alot better 🙂

So now its December I can feel the SADness coming on again. I have lost focus. I have started eating more. I’m feeling like its an awful hassle to go out for drinks and socialise. I don’t even know why it happens, but I know it is happening and I need to engage coping strategies.

My winter blues coping Strategies

  1. 3 Positives each day – I will reflect every day on 3 big positives from each day and record them.  Todays would be – I took Jack out to Playgroup Christmas Party, we had a lovely party and I had good chats to some lovely mummy friends. I have reached out and written a blog post about my dark times, hopefully it will make others feel like they are not the only ones. And I reached out to one of oldest friends offering her help in a really difficult situation.
  2. I have reached out to another good friend to help me. She knows how to offer practical help in this situation. And she has offered to do some life coaching with me.
  3. Get out to social events because when I get there I have a great time. I am going to arrange lots for January, one thing is the organisation of a charity event in Knebworth, which will keep me very busy.
  4. Make creative and caring things for people who are important and I care for as Christmas Pressies, giving is good.
  5. Spreading the love and the positivity by doing a good deed each day. The deeds could be a gift or a genuine compliment or the organisation of a social event or just a nice whatsapp message.

If you are reading this and thinking yes I can see some of myself here and I cope by doing this and that, please do write a comment and let me know. It would be nice to see that I am not the only one feeling like this.




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Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

Personal Finance Expert

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13 Responses

  1. I’m the same, and I dont do self motivation very well!!! This is helping me in the morning….I get annoying and bitchy when I’m sad…we don’t want that…..(also get annoying and bitchy when I’m happy mind you) X

    1. Thanks Joan:-) I have ordered a light, am very hopeful this will be a great solution. Its difficult to believe that a light will help but I have read alot of the research and it all seems to be really positive.

  2. Thanks honey….a couple of people have recommended vitamins so I will def be buying them. Its really helps to keep yourself really busy:-) Lots of blogging love to you Cogito Ergo mum. xx

  3. While I don’t really get the blues, during the winter or any other time, I can definitely appreciate and understand that its effects are real. My philosophy with respect to coping with life in general and improving my overall well-being is to focus on four key areas: fiscal, physical, spiritual (relationships, not religious) and mental fitness. Every day I strive to do one positive thing in each area. As an example, early today I put in a 3-mile run and balanced my checkbook – physical and fiscal done. Later I plan to finish a book (mental) I started a few days ago and later tonight the wife and I will join some friends for a drink, putting a checkmark next to the spiritual.

    With respect to dealing with unpleasant people, I always think of something a good friend used to say, “Illegitimi non carborundum,” a mock latin aphorism that means ‘don’t let the bastards grind you down.’

    Be well, my friend.

    1. Such kind words, thank you Savvyjames. I like your idea of splitting life into 4 key areas. Happy Christmas and be well to you too

  4. This past winter I managed to only the proper blues for 3 months… has lasted longer before so I was definitely doing something right this year. Or maybe it was that I didnt have commute to London to a job I hated!! xx

  5. I suffer from SAD too. I use a lamp, try to get early morning sunlight too its meant to help reset your body clock too. I find a good thing is to forgive yourself and roll with the punches. If you need a break from things take it. I try to be productive when I feel well so I can hibernate when I need. Hope next winter is better!

    1. My new discovery is to put a day light bulb in the office, as I saw in Emma D’s office. The light was amazing. Great for photos and filming too as it was so bright. £6 on Amazon apparently!

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