Blogging Your Way to Riches – We have Written a Book!

Blogging Your Way to Riches

This is probably one of the most exciting blog posts I have ever written! I finally get to share with you the project that Emma Bradley (of ‘Emma and 3’ and ‘MumsSavvySavings’ blogging fame) and I have been working on for 2 months. We have written a book-Blogging your way to Riches. Indeed a whole 200-page book and it’s available now!

Blogging Your Way to Riches: Learn the secrets to writing a successful blog. #MakingMoneyFromHome #Blog #Business

This is such an incredible achievement that was inspired by a meeting of minds at the UK Money Blogger awards. We met, we chatted, we inspired each other and the very next day we decided to write a book.

Go with your gut and follow your dreams. What have you got to lose?

Blogging Your Way to Riches

We are two bloggers who have written this book for bloggers whose complementary skills mean a great combination for writing chapters.

Emma has written with authority about pitching to brands, the guidelines to follow when blogging, collaborations and how a blog should look. I have written about how to make money from your blog, networking, goal setting, and negotiation. A perfect combination.

Content subjects were chosen (that we both have many years of experience in) pulling in many examples and experiences from our blogging careers.  Emma is one of the first bloggers on the UK scene with 7-years’ experience compared to me, a relative newbie, with a blog that is 3 years old.

A story has been told that we know you will enjoy and will give you tons of tips to develop your own blog and business.

The book will publish on Friday 2nd December just in time for Christmas and will be available via our website and on Amazon. You can purchase a paperback or a kindle version.

More Information

Pop on over to our website and register your email address to receive more information about the book. And feel free to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Twitter @Blogging2riches

Instagram @Bloggingyourwaytoriches


For more info and to speak to Emma and I directly please email us on press@bloggingyourwaytorichesprofile-shot-for-book





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Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

Personal Finance Expert

I write about personal finance made simple, lifestyle choices that will save you time and money, as well as products and services that offer great value.

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