5 Frugal Things Post 8 – Book Announcement week

5 Frugal Things Post 8

Welcome back to my regular write up of my 5 Frugal things post 8 – wow I have got to 8 weeks of doing this, I am proud of myself!

It has been a busy week of big announcements and if you follow my posts and social media you will know that Emma Bradley and I announced our book – Blogging Your Way To Riches. We have been busily writing away for a while now and finally get to announce it to the world. Its such a relief to tell people and the love and support we have received has been amazing.

We are just one week away from loading the book onto Amazon so that last week is all systems go with final read-throughs by some special people. Launch date is 1st December so not long to wait until the big day. Cant wait.

So what have I done this week to save money

  1. Most of Monday was spent going through the proof read book and correcting grammar, this meant I didn’t leave the house so didn’t spend a penny.
  2. Tuesday I got the train to Gloucester to meet Emma for our book cover photo shoot. Fabulous money saving tactic here where I booked my train ticket using Red Spotted Hanky and my Tesco Clubcard vouchers. I used £25 of vouchers to get £50 worth of train travel. My train ticket cost £56 and £6 after using the voucher.
  3. I travelled to Bristol on Tuesday evening to finally visit 4 week old baby Aimee and my forever friend Becky. We spent 24 hours together discussing all thing new baby, from feeding concerns to calming techniques to drinking more water! Lunch was a roasted vegetable creation that I forged for in the cupboards with black eyed beans added for fibre. We drank regular cups of tea and put the world to rights.
  4. I managed to survive the long train trip to Gloucester, Bristol and back home without buying any coffees, snacks or treats. I made do with my bottle of water from home and fruit brought for the journey.
  5. Saturday was Dylan’s birthday party and we did rather well making it lovely frugal affair. Not quite saving as much as Josh’s birthday as this was just a party for Dylan rather than a joint one. I saved by buying in the snacks from Aldi and the party bags were made up from reduced price Halloween sweeties from the local co-op. The birthday cake was a Victoria Sponge creation. Yum.

Non frugal update, we got a Dartford tunnel charge. We forgot to pay the charge before the 24 hours had elapsed. £35 fine. Bad times.

On to a new and rather busy week. This week sees me dash up to Manchester on Wednesday for some Aldi Wine filming and then to London on Friday for BBC Good Food Live (dont forget if you need tickets for this I have an exclusive 20% voucher just click here), then on Friday night I get to do some Christmas Food tasting in a posh restaurant. A fun but busy week.


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Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

Personal Finance Expert

I write about personal finance made simple, lifestyle choices that will save you time and money, as well as products and services that offer great value.

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