I have just returned from the most amazing weekend away beach cleaning and Glastonbury Camping. With lockdown loosening for a bit I have managed to fit in some lovely weekends away. I have five days every other weekend without my children and am making the most of the time, doing some adventures.
Beach Cleaning
I spent Friday in Norfolk on Old Hunstanton beach with my friends Marie and Liz doing a beach clean. We arrived as the tide was going out and combed the sand dunes and the high tide line with our PPE equipment kindly supplied by Mindful Chef. We found so much. Norfolk beaches are known for their cleanliness, golden sands and blue sea and sky. I am sad to report we found so much rubbish.

We collected three big bags between the three of us and found all sorts of surprises, lots of clothing, poo bags, nappies, baby wipes, so much plastic, lids, straws, balloon ribbons, bits of sponge balls. The only positive find was a brand new dog ball for Steiff, Marie’s terrier, who very much adored his find and wouldn’t drop it for anyone!

48 hours in Glastonbury
After a very lovely vegan lunch at the Lodge in Old Hunstanton Liz and I said goodbye to Marie and shot off to Glastonbury. I say shot, not quite, it was a 4 1/2 hour drive to the magical, mystical town of Glasto in Liz’s campervan.
Very much a money saving weekend. Liz booked the Isle of Avalon for Glastonbury camping with very nice toilets and showers, paying £48 for two nights. We bought snacks and booze on route from Aldi. Money saving all the way.

We arrived just after dark on Friday night, found a quiet spot in the corner of the campsite, near the trees, best spot by far. We ate our snacks, drank our gin and talked until the early hours.
I slightly fell in love with the ever so cute VW campervan, a 2001 T4 for those who are interested. Super easy to turn sofa into bed. Me in my trusty Aldi snuggly sleeping bag, thank you Aldi, used at least once a year for the past five years!
Saturday was our main day in Glastonbury. We wondered the town and just went with it. A vege lunch was an essential, everything in glasto is vegan or vege!. We found an amazing Tarot reader called Shona and had our cards read. the big message being, live for the moment, a move is in the cards and that its time to move on. All very relevant.

Wondering Glastonbury
We wondered around the many crystal, witchy, healing shops. My favourite shop is Crystals, a small chain in the South West that source the best crystals. I bought a beautiful rose quartz flame. We then walked up the famous Glastonbury Tor. The views were breathtaking and the magic can absolutely be felt.

Dinner followed at a haunted pub, where we consumed so many carbs that it was difficult to move. After some witchery spells, some singing and ukulele playing my eyes were shutting at 10:30! I know how to party.
Sunday we rose early and chilled in the late September sunshine. We had a very lovely vegan late breakfast at café Sol and discovered the most amazing shop down secret alley, Sons of Asgard apothecary. I found a perfect birthday present for my niece and some amazing fruit tea. We departed before spending more money!

Glastonbury really is one of my favourite places to spend the weekend. I really did feel the magic and the inspiration. Hugest thank you to Liz, the same Liz of Lingo designs who redesigned my branding and website earlier this year. This is what Liz thought of the trip
My Book Continues to fly from the book shelves

Book Promotion tour carries on, I am doing something every day! This week Lansons PR published an amazing blog following a webinar appearance from the summer. Katherine Hobby interviewed Kara Gammell and I about the world of being an influencer, the importance of social media and issues for women in finance. It was a brilliant chat, the post is well worth a read. And thank you to Lansons for promoting and supporting my book release.
Fidelity Stock Picks
I have had a busy week for sponsored work this week with two posts going live. The first of which includes an exciting prize to win £100 just for Mrs Mummypenny readers.
Fidelity and This Is Money are running a virtual stock picking game from now until 4th September. Just sign up for an account here and pick your stocks and watch then grow in value or fall. I have a Mrs Mummypenny league, for me to add you send me your email address.

Best Fin tech Apps
I also wrote about the best fintech apps for the Open Up 2020 Awards. It can be a bit overwhelming working out the best apps to help with your particular money management needs, not if you read this article. There are apps for debt management, getting a mortgage, auto-saving and budgeting. There will be on that helps you.

Back to Running
I have returned to running, the best of free exercise and creative mind processing. September 22nd marks the Autumn Equinox where the day is the same length as the night, as the nights close in its important for me to carry on exercising to mange the seasonal affective disorder that affects me. I am very hopeful that my change of life now being divorced and free means that SAD wont affect me so greatly. I know that healthy eating and exercise is a huge deterrent. Along with strong vitamin D and extra light.
Appearance in The Sun
I was in The Sun this week as one of the expert finance panel sharing my tips for having a savvy Christmas. Oh yes the Christmas talk has started! My tips include things like the right time to get your Christmas travel tickets, when to start making the homemade gifts such as chutneys, jam, flavoured gin. And a top tip on saving up your cash back.
I have many media appearances coming up for the preparation for Christmas, its going to be a difficult one so we all need as many ideas as possible to make money and save extra money for Christmas.

Cash Back
I have cashed in £100 this month in cash back from my TopCashback account over to my bank account. I love this was of saving money on my online purchases. My cashback includes a discount from ordering train tickets, a few refer a friend payments. At the moment there is a £5 bonus for every person who signs up using my refer a friend code! I also get a bonus, thank you if you sign up using my code.
2 Responses
Thanks for the link Lynn, and the totally magical weekend! Had such a blast, glad you liked the camper!! 🙂
Magical in so many ways, all that manifestation is already happening:-)