How amazing was it to have a burst of sunshine this weekend! I spent several hours in the garden, sunshine on face, reading. It was glorious. We all needed that dose of vitamin D.
I am feeling like I am coming out of the fog. The fog of short cold winter days and uncertainty. We have a route out of lockdown, and fingers crossed dates to meet our friends again. 29th March is when we can socialise outside with one other household, my birthday so perfect timing.
An Active Week
I have had a active week with exercise. I have started using a Free HIIT workout app for a daily 15 or 20 minute HIIT session. Its so easy to do in the morning before you start the day. I have also upped my step count hitting 10k on five days out of my last seven.
I have talked in these Monday Money posts about me putting on weight over this most recent lockdown. It felt like the right time to come clean and share a real-life picture over on Instagram about my unhappiness about new body and it got such a huge response. If you need a motivational boost go read the comments from so many supportive people. Instagram can be a hugely positive place!

My Lockdown Spending Diary
It was the last week of the month which means that very few regular bills are paid, this week just Life Insurance and Amazon, £13. Mental note must cancel Amazon Prime, I really do not need it as well as Netflix.
Grocery and Food Spend increased as I had the boys most of the week. £120 was spent. £60 at the Supermarket and £60 on takeaway food. This is my highest spending week for takeaways and the total spent on just takeaways in Feb was £161. Shock horror. But I’m just so bored of cooking. We had Domino’s and Mcdonald’s this week, note the comments about weight gain:-(
Early Mother Days/Birthday Presents £122
I spent some fun money this week on mothers day and birthday pressies, both of which are in March. I got a bird feeding table for £60 from my local independent garden centre, Vanstone, and I love it. My desk is by the patio doors and I can look out at the birds feeding in my garden. All part of my mindfulness and appreciation of nature.

Whilst at the garden centre we also got bird seed and a new plant for the living room. Plants are good for you! I also ordered a Mother Day treat box from a local cake business – Sugar Boutique so will have something nice on Mothers Day weekend, normally a weekend that I let pass, but I have the boys with me so will do some fun lockdown allowing things.
I also did a Full Moon Yin Yoga Session on Zoom. It was so good and only cost £5. I do love my Yoga. I must find a more regular class.
Car Costs
A rarity to spend money on my car with it barely being used. This week I actually had to fill it up with petrol and get an MOT done as its just hit its three year birthday. £32 spent on fuel and £40 on an MOT.
I am currently saving up to pay off my car in September. I have a PCP deal that costs £175 each month, but I will have £9k left to pay at the end of the three and half year deal later this year. Of course the garage wants me to give the car back and refinance with a new car deal but I am going to keep the car I have. Its a Toyota CHR in a really good state, I’m told it will be good for around eight years without too much going wrong. I was able to make a big chunk of saving contribution to the car this month.
Other Spends
Other spends include my regular transfer to my auto-savings account Plum where I now have £640 stashed away. £45 winged its way over this week, Plum obviously thought I had been good with spending during February and make a larger than usual save this week.
I also spent £9 on two films from Amazon Prime. Captain Marvel and Avengers Civil War. My youngest and I are working our way through all 22 of the Marvel films.
House Insurance Renewal
This cost is not yet reflected in my budget but I have just renewed my home insurance. My renewal quote was sent to me at £171 and I am very pleased to report that my new policy is costing £123, plus I get an extra £28 cash back, taking my total policy cost to £95 for a full year. Really happy with this saving.
I did a comparison on the TopCashback insurance comparison section to ensure a good deal with cash back as well.
Thank you for reading. My spending diaries keep me accountable and really help me to understand how much I am spending and why. And I know they provide you with ideas on how to save money every week. Or nod in agreement about how your spending patterns mirror mine, good or not so good.