5 Frugal Things post 28 – May time
This week started with Bank Holiday Monday and we had nothing planned. I knew that I had a busy week ahead so I spent some time working and trying to get ahead for the week. I wrote a blog planner of posts for the next 4 weeks, which of course I have already changed this week alone! New work comes in and takes the place of previous content thoughts! However this post stays consistent every week, I am rather good at posting my 5 frugal things.
London Work days
I had 2 days in London where I managed to spend nothing each day via travel expenses being covered by the clients and food also paid for. The first day was Grand Designs Live with my friend and brilliant money blogger (of the year) Lotty Earns. We went to an AEG cooking event with a brilliant and innovative chef Józef Youssef. We had press passes that got us into the VIP tea room so drinks, breakfast. We enjoyed afternoon tea and champagne with our new friend Howard from Ideal world TV.
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The food cooked by chef was amazing, I am now ever so keen to go his restaurant! We learnt all about the new technology of the ovens, hob, washing machines and dryers. We were most impressed by the efficiency and cost savings you can make with an AEG washing machine. We had a good explore of Grand Designs live and managed to not spend any money there either. We did good.
I was also in London on Thursday for a series of meetings and press launches. It was a day again with Lotty and Emma Drew, another great blogger friend. After the meetings, we headed for Soho for a jewellery launch party and found some beautiful stacking jewellery by Annie Haak. It was very reasonably priced for Pandora type jewellery. We were really impressed by it. We then went to the launch party for E.L.F. cosmetics. A US brand coming over to the UK to Superdrug exclusively. The make-up was amazing with brilliant effects check out this picture with no filter, such great value prices. We are talking sub £10 for contouring sets, eyeshadow sets. This brand warrants a whole post which I will be doing soon.
Hubby did the shopping
One of the great things about hubby having a few weeks off work before starting his new business is that he doing many of the household chores which frees up my time, hurrah. He’s keeping the house clean, he is doing his share of school runs and he did the Aldi shop. He came home raving about the cost of the products. He managed to spend just £20 on top up shop products like bread, milk, a chicken, cereal, ham, cheese, eggs. He hadn’t quite grasped what a price difference Aldi is compared to Tesco.
Coffee and Cake
I spend Friday morning at my friend’s house for a coffee and cake morning. The array of cakes there was amazing. So much to choose from so I had to try a few different ones, I had Victoria sponge, carrot cake and mini brownies. Yum. There was a raffle and I won 2 personal training sessions. What a great prize to win when I am really into my fitness and health.
Charlotte, Barb and Donna are doing the Moonwalk, 26 mile walk around London through the night. They are raising money for breast cancer, if you would like to contribute to the charity fund here is a link.
Friday night Pancake?
I was really tempted to get a takeaway on a Friday night. Dylan and Josh were out at football with hubby and Jack decided that he would like pancakes for dinner. I always use the same recipe from BBC Good Food, American style fluffy pancakes. This recipe makes around 8. They are very yummy and so simple to make with ingredients that you would already have in your cupboard. And so cheap, maybe 20p per pancakes?
I had 2 for my dinner with a fruit smoothie and camomile tea for some goodness and health. And I saved myself £25 in the process.
Law of Attraction in Action
I believe that if you surround yourself with positivity the life will be good. And if you are grateful for all the amazing things you have in life the gratitude will bounce back to you. I have been expressing gratitude for a few weeks now and I am this week getting a lot back in work, money, opportunities, kind words. I love it, it’s going around in circles and I am getting more and more love, money, positivity.
Today Josh is clearing out the cupboard under the stairs for the 2nd time (sorry Emma, I know we filmed this YouTube vlog and I promised to declutter, better late than never), he has just found £50 in gift vouchers from 11 months ago, that I ‘lost’ from a paid Aldi job!! Free shopping next week.
I am linking up with Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I have done this week linky.
4 Responses
Wow great find with the Aldi vouchers in the cupboard, might even inspire me to do some decluttering! Sounds like you had a fantastic week.
Loved finding the Aldi vouchers. Thanks to Joshi.
Sounds like a fantastic week and your make up looks lovely.
Thanks honey…Im so behind with my website comments!