I am excited to share this TEN list with you, a list that I have carefully been curating and thinking of for a while. My TEN proudest moments of Mrs Mummypenny. Made it moments, you might say. Or moments of validation where I know I made the right decision to quit the safety of the corporate world to set up my own beloved business. Ten pinch myself moments of how did I get to this point in business spotlight. I hope you love reading this post.
This is part of a series of content of ‘TEN’. My previous posts on TEN Business Learnings in TEN Year of Mrs Mummypenny can be read here.
A byline in The Financial Times
This is up there as one of my proudest moments. To celebrate paying off £16k of credit card debt back in 2019 I pitched an the article to Claer Barrett, personal finance editor of the FT, and she said yes! It was such an achievement to appear in the pink pages of the FT and to share my story of how debt can so easily get out of control, but then with focus and dedication can be paid off. Freedom from debt is possible.
The article ended up trending on peoples homepage newsfeeds and my story reached the masses as I had hoped. The article is now framed and stands proudly above my desk in my office.

A Column in The Mirror
The Cost of Living Crisis hit hugely in 2022 and I was asked by The Mirror to write a regular column every week on areas of personal finance where people needed the most help. Energy Bills, Food Bills, Council Tax, Fuel, Family costs during schools holidays. I wrote so many articles read by millions. You can find a brilliant selection of the articles in this page on my website where I have listed them all.

Appearing in TV ad and Billboard for PensionBee
One of things I love the most about Mrs Mummypenny is never knowing what I might be asked to do to help a brand with their campaigns and promotions. I was asked by my wonderful friends at PensionBee to appear on posters and billboards for their campaign in 2020. Me on a massive billboard in all train stations? 100% yes!
The photoshoot was in Manchester by the beautiful library and I was to float in the air with the ease that I had confidence in my pension. It was the best experience with hair and make up and amazing photographs. There was also video footage that was turned into a TV advert.

An article for The Sun reaching millions
In early lockdown when I guess we were all glued to the internet, and when food was a big focus I wrote an article about feeding my children and I for less than £10 each a week. It captured the internet and was shared throughout the world of Facebook groups. Within 48 hours it has been read by more then 1 million people and I had gained an additional 8000 Instagram followers! It was massive, the virality of the post wasn’t planned, but I guess it was just the exact right time to share the article.
Writing a Book
Another huge success over lockdown was that I wrote a book – The Money Guide to Transform Your Life. It a brilliant guide of money for now and money for the future. Money for now includes budgeting, how to save on bills, how to save on family life, debt, money mindset. Money for the future is all about savings, investments, pensions and protection.

The book did incredibly well selling so many copies through my website and Amazon. I also did some big one off deals with corporates where I did a presentation on financial well being and they had copies of my book to give to staff as well.
Building a Successful Business that allows me to work towards financial independence
Ten years of building a business has been worth it. I have gotten to the point where I can put big amounts into my savings for the future, into investments and my pension. I am able to save at a faster rate than I ever thought I could have done and if I can keep up this momentum I will be financially independent in my 50s with enough money to provide an income for the rest of my life.
Although how likely it is that I will stop working then, is low! However the freedom this will give is huge.
Being Interviewed on Newsnight
This was such a random experience and I was so shocked and surprised to be asked onto Newsnight. I was talking about energy costs and how to save, a specialist knowledge area of mine. But actual Newsnight, a huge pinch me moment!
Working with the best and well known brands
I get to work with the most amazing brands every day with Mrs Mummypenny, be that on my website, social media, press appearances, events. I feel so very privilidged that they trust me to promote the products and brands that I love, all tried and tested.
In the last couple of years alone I have worked closely with PensionBee, Octopus Energy, Zopa Bank, Vodafone, Norton, American Express, Easy Jet holidays to name a few. All very brilliant brands, doing wonderful things with innovative products and services.
The Cost of Living Special Season 5 of Podcast
The last season of the Mrs Mummypenny Talks podcast was a special one, firstly I got to co-host it with Faith Archer, my long term financial expert friend, secondly we got to record it in a studio and it was a seven episode series focussed right in on the cost of living crisis.
The content is amazing, literally packed with all the information you could need on saving bills, food, energy debt. It was so much fun to record it with Faith and it has been listened to and watched by thousands and thousands.

Loving what I do as a Job
I think this is the ultimate win and proud moment of Mrs Mummypenny. I LOVE what I do, hence I am still doing it after ten years and get such a buzz from helping others to understand personal finance. To feel better about money, to save money. The messages I get from people are just the best reward of thanks for doing the job I do.
I adore the variety of my job, all the different projects I am asked to be involved with. If a project feels right ill go for it, even if its something that I’ve not tried before.
Running Mrs Mummypenny is so different to any of the corporate world jobs I did in my 20s and 30s, that I always tired of. And provided I carry on evolving with the business as the content world changes I will continue to move from strength to strength.
Thank you for reading.
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