What an exciting week!! My book launch happened on Tuesday 1st Sept, a perfect day. September marks new beginnings for so many people, including me. The are now all back at school (thank goodness) and we can return to a new normal.

Book Launch week was amazing, I started Tuesday with a 6am interview on Talk Radio where I regularly appear to talk personal finance news. And then spent the day pumping out content to my followers and trying to keep up with the messages and shares I was getting all through out the day and then week!
I was bowled over by the support from my business partners, other personal finance experts and my friends. I have sold so many books!! So many that already I have covered my publication expenses of £1000 already;-). Read about what cost £1000 here – I wrote about how to write and publish a book last week.
I have loved this process from inception to starting the writing in May, all the way through to book launch day. But actually now is when the hard work begins, the PR and sales journey. My book promotion carries on forever now, and I have so much in the diary to get the word out there about my wonderful book.
This week alone has seen a big chunk of promotion from my friend Pete Matthew. We recorded a podcast which he released it last week for launch week. He was also one of my first readers.

So much more to come with an interview with BBC Scotland in can coming soon, appearances in brilliant Facebook Groups (including The Money Whisperers Money Lounge), Newspaper articles, Magazine work, TV appearances, Blogger Competitions, Podcast guest appearances, webinars, public speaking, plus so much more!
My Money Saving Week – Train Travel
I decided at the last minute that I was going to get to the train to Bristol for my long weekend away rather than drive the car. I booked the ticket on the trainline using Topcashback for an extra discount and saved myself £2.30 on the £70 journey, every £ helps right?!
To drive the journey would probably cost around £50 in fuel and my Bymiles pay as you go insurance, so it was slightly more expensive to use the train but so lovely and much better for the environment, despite my hybrid car. A relaxing journey where I could sit and work or watch the countryside drift by. Getting the train is only 30 mins slower than driving.
Spend £10 to save £5 with American Express #shopsmallUK
I have done some sponsored work this week with American Express helping them to promote their small business #shopsmallUK campaign which ENDS SOON, 13th Sept.
There is still time to get £5 back on your statement when you spend £10+ in a small business using your American Express card. You can use it once in up to 10 small businesses, and they really need your help at the moment! Have a read about where I have spent my small business money so far, and where I will get my last few £5s back before 13th September, including Trussells my local butchers! Very good Thai chicken Paul !!

Bristol Weekend Away
I was in Bristol to see my family. We had a couple of days together, meeting up in the pub on Friday and then meeting for Saturday lunch. Bristol is amazing, a very beautiful covered in the most impressive graffiti artwork and buildings painted in the brightest of colours. The people are lovely, so friendly, every calls you lover! And its pretty cheap! Saturday dinner was £20 each and it was amazing, shout out to Riverstation – Bristol, near to Queens Square.

And I got to meet up with my bestie Bec for grown up brunch with NO children on Sunday. We spent 3 hours talking very quickly updating on lives, problems that needed an alternative view and discussions of solutions. I love her muchly. Go give her a follow on her new business Instagram page @ridleywrites, she is a brilliant writing coach, who helped me so so much with The Money Guide to Transform Your Life.

Billboard Model
I’ve plastered it everywhere, I know, but I have finally got to see my PensionBee billboards up close and personal on my trip via London to Bristol. This was taken at Finsbury Park..its massive!! Its SO exciting seeing yourself as a huge billboard model, floating like Mary Poppins!
I have been working with PensionBee for many years now and this is the ultimate culmination of work with them. You can consolidate your various pension pots with PensionBee, like I have done. I now can check my balance and add to it when I chose. My future feels far more secure. Check them out here, if you move your money over to PensionBee we both get £50 boost to our pension pots!!

Thank you for reading, there are affiliate links in this post. Meaning I receive a small fee if you choose to sign up. If you do, thank you!! It means the world.