As a working mummy this is a question I often ask myself, and discuss with other mums and dads on the side of the football pitch on a Saturday morning what is the right amount of children activities?
I have 3 boys, 2 now at primary school, yr 2 and reception and the little one is Jack nearly 2. The boys don’t do much in terms of after school club, there are many options but they are just not interested. There is zumba, gymnastics, french club, multi-sports and art club for their years. The only thing they expressed an interest in was mulit-sports but Josh in reception is too young and I can let one go without the other 🙂
But they do have football on a Saturday. Football in Knebworth starts at under 6 age group. Both Dylan and Josh can play, one in U7 team and the other in U6 team. They both love football and mummy and daddy both love watching and encouraging them. I help out by doing admin for the U7 team and help organise `stuff’ for the team.
So that is it for official paid for activities for us, £160 per year in subs to Knebworth youth football club for 2 children. Amazing value by the way for a whole year of football training 😉 And we might start doing golf £3 a week.
So the ultimate question is, is this enough? And the ultimate answer is you as parents decide what is right for you, your situation and what your child is interested in. My boys are sport obsessed and will do anything sporty related but mummy and daddy both work full time so we cant do the dropping off and collection from the various after school activities. And there is the financial costs of these things, all for 1 yr…
1) Swimming lessons £10 per week for say 30 weeks a year = £300 for 3 children = £900
2) Tennis lessons £10 per week for 30 weeks = £300
3) French Lessons £5 per week for 30 weeks = £150
4) Golf lessons £3 per week for 30 weeks = £90 * 2 children = £180
5) Football subs for 2 children (I get a discount for siblings) = £160
6) Multi-sports £40 per term per child = £120 * 2 children = £240
So I could end up spending £1000 each year on activities for a fully activity-upped child, £2000 for 2 children and £3000 for 3 children. And I’ve not even included the girls stuff, ballet, dancing, I’m not even sure what else there is being mummy of boys 😉
Anyway the quick summary is that we are doing fine and so are you if you do nothing or you do 5 things a week. It’s whatever is right for you. Today is Sunday today so we are off to the golf course so daddy can do a round and the boys can do some practise. I might do a round as well. As I’ve learnt in a house full of boys, you’ve just got to join in 😉
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One Response
Soccer, like any active sport, is of great benefit to a child’s health. It is advisable that the place of training – a soccer school or section – should not be too far from home. A tiring two-way trip is an ordeal that does not have to be endured in order to become a good athlete. That’s the only reason we sometimes ordered essays to keep up with school assignments. Thanks, great story!