Books that have changed my Life
What are your thoughts about the Book versus the E-book? I remember getting my first Kindle when I worked at EE. It was a gift given to everyone in the marketing department, we were so excited and rushed out to buy a load of books on our kindle. I used it a lot, particularly useful on holidays. Then Dylan jumped on it on the trampoline.
I do read some eBooks, but now on my phone. If it’s a book I want to focus on and maybe make notes I do like to buy the physical copy. And if it’s really special I will buy the hardback. And looking at the stats for my book that I co-wrote and self-published with Emma Bradley 80% of sales are paperback, just 20% eBook.
The tide has turned and the real-life book has made a return, hurrah. Books can change your life. They can make you cry, take you on a journey, teach you new things and help you make improvements to your life. Here are the books that changed my life. I would love to know yours in the comments at the end of the post.
Harper Lee – To Kill a Mockingbird
I read this book aged 38. It’s a classic that maybe I should have read earlier as it’s SUCH a great story. I remember reading it in Spain on a water park day. Hubby was off with the boys for 6 hours whilst my buddy Niknik and I lay on sunbed, me in the shade, her in the sun. I finished that book in six hours. I cried, I fell for the characters, I didn’t want it to end. If you read one book on this list make it this one.
Prof Steve Peters – The Chimp Paradox
Self-help books are fabulous and I have read a few over the years. This one stands out as such a powerful read, that makes so much sense. It’s based on the concept of the conscious and unconscious mind. The unconscious bit being the chimp that can take over in times of pressure or stress. The book gives you coping techniques for times when your chimp takes over and goes a bit mental. This rang so true for me and how I react in situations. You see the worst of me when I experience disloyalty to me or my family unit. Do anything to my children and I will come down on you hard, a few people have seen this side and it’s not nice. The books just give suggestions on ways to manage the chimp, ways to keep him happy.
Judy Blume – Forever
The book of my youth. My friend Becky and I used to lie on her bed aged 13 reading the book to each other. The story of Kath and Michael (and Ralph) and their love story. That book taught me a lot about relationships and sex. I just received a copy of the book from same friend Bec for my 40th birthday. I am re-reading it now. It’s incredibly well written, sweet and innocent, despite it talking about a girl losing her virginity. As I read it, it evokes all the memories and how I felt as a thirteen-year-old girl. I just love it.
Rhonda Byrne – The Secret
I bought this book on eBook and then paperback! I bought the eBook first as I was suspicious about it and didn’t want to commit more money, so I tried the eBook. This book has really changed my life. I first read it five years ago and started to live the philosophy of the book. I took bits from it that meant most to me. The Secret is a book about changing your life for the better and getting everything you want in life. Life is not a rehearsal we are here for one lifetime only so make the best of that lifetime. Practise simple things like gratitude, say thank you for everything. Surround yourself with the right positive influences, this means people, beautiful things that inspire you. Ask for things, believe and focus and things will come to you.
Susan Jeffers – Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
This was the first self-help book I ever read, aged 23 as a graduate whilst doing my CIMA exams at HSBC. A book about confidence and feeling the nerves and fear involved in doing something big but just going for it. I have lived this principle for my subsequent life. I have said yes to scary opportunities, I have pushed myself beyond my boundaries and its benefited me so much. It’s got me to the this place now, running my own successful business.
Karren Brady – The Truth About Getting to the top
I love an auto-biography! I read this one from cover to cover within a couple of days. Karren has the most amazing story. She has made it to the top in a very male world and does it in style. She plots the course of her career. Discusses traumatic events, she nearly died you know, shares mistakes and learnings. It’s such a good book.
Please tell me the books that have changed your life.
12 Responses
My would love the Karren Brady auto-biography….so so good!! One powerful woman.
Read High Society by Ben Elton, it will change your perception on the war on drugs I guarantee it!
I think..I might have reed it already, is it quite old…like trainspotting old? I do like Ben Elton as an author, hes good.
Haha I grew up on Judy Blume too… I’d forgotten all about Ralph!! I have been reading more personal development books recently so I will definitely check out some of your suggestions. Have you read You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero? I’ve just finished it and I loved it. I think you might enjoy it too based on your suggestions above!
Oh thank you for the recco. Re-reading Judy Blume is so so funny!
Ive heard about thta Jodi Picoult book from a few people. ON my list for def.
How did you like the Chimp Paradox? I loved it. Still, implementing what follows from this understanding of the mind is a different matter entirely.
LOVED the chimp explains so much of how the mind works. And yes implementing the change is another challenge in itself!! I looked into going to talk by the author but it was hundreds for a ticket..maybe I’ll just read the book again!
The book you wish your parents had read (& your children will be glad that you did) by Philippa Perry.
It has changed my relationship with my children for the better & helped me acknowledge and deal with a massive chip on my shoulder from my own childhood.
It’s a “must read” in my opinion for any parents or soon to be parents.
As a teenager, I went through a period when I didn’t read books at all. When I graduated from college and became interested in startups and business, I realized the tremendous power of knowledge that books carry. Thanks for sharing. It is important for many students to keep up with their studies, so sometimes I think you can use the services of the writing service.
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