My Week
Last week was one of those memorable weeks where lots of things have gone really well. When this happens shout it from the roof tops I say. Positivity resonates around to people close to you, and before you and they know it they will have more positive things happen to them too.
I was worried last week when I wrote my 5 Frugal things that I would spend too much money this week. Well that didn’t happen as I was ultra careful and managed to get a few expenses paid for by brands!
- Monday saw me in London for a Chocolate making workshop with Tena and Dr H
ilary Jones at the Savoy. It was an amazing event where we were properly spoilt with champagne, nibbles and an amazing chocolate workshop with Ludwig the head pastry chef from the Savoy. My buddy Emma from Mumsavvysavings was there too, we had a lovely time and made friends with Dr Hilary. Blog post coming soon on the taboo subject of bladder weakness. I spent nothing all day plus I avoided all coffee shops.
- I went out for lunch on Tuesday with my friend Heather who helped me lose 2 stone last year through hypnotherapy. To save a bit of money there I have swopped drinks from diet coke to soda water with lime. It’s so cheap and really tasty. So lunch ended up costing £10.50 for an amazing Vegetable Burger and chips in a rather nice country pub.
- I have done some more birthday present shopping this week. All 3 boy’s birthday are within 6 weeks of each other, the first one being next Sunday. Josh has asked for a Razor 360 Flashrider….no I didn’t know what it was either. He found it in Toysrus for £100. I found it on Amazon for £87.84. I have Amazon prime which I pay £79 per year for. I love the convenience this gives me for free next day delivery. I also bought some bits for Jacks birthday in November, half shell teenage mutant ninja Raph…he’s got Mikey, Donny and Leo already. I also bought Bumblebee and Optimus Prime transformers. 30 years on that franchise still keeps going! These 3 cost £55 from Amazon Prime, the same figures at Toysrus were £68!
4. Wednesday was another day in London for an incredible experience. Lunch and drinks at Searcy’s at the top of the Gherkin with Experian & The School of Life. We talked goals, what was stopping us there and first steps. Was an incredible day where I left feeling truly inspired by the afternoon. I also got to check my credit score which is now available for free. Thankfully its fine but this can be a huge limiting factor to things like mortgages, loans and other credit. More to come on this day in another post. Later in the evening I met up with some fellow money bloggers, Andy Webb, Sara Williams and Faith Archer for Byron Burger. We had 2 for 1 burger vouchers. So dinner cost £15 including a double gin & tonic;-)
5. I am doing well at educating my family on the benefits of packed lunch and preparation. Every Fri/Sat/Sun & Mon Dylan has football training/a game where he needs healthy snacks. Last Saturday saw him play away to Norwich. A 9am to 4pm day out with journey, warm up, game, shower and drive home. He needs lots of snacks for the trip. We popped to Aldi for the snack bits plus a load of fruit. Hubby was shocked when total bill came to £9.70 for a big bag full of fruit, biscuits, crisps, bread. He even picked up a box of posh cookies. I think that proved point to hubby that Aldi is truly great value food.
6. Last weekend I was in London (not in Norwich with Dylan at footy) celebrating my buddy of 21 year’s Julie’s 40th. Cocktails, Mexican for dinner then Carwash at Loop Bar. The fancy dress them was Julie, or something that reminds me of her. I dug out my fresher’s ball gown from the first weekend we met in Sept 1995. I spent 90 minutes adjusting it and sewing in darts as I am 2 sizes smaller now than in 1995!!! Free fancy dress outfit there! The pictures of me dressed up are on Instagram @mrsmummypennyuk
I have done it again written 6 frugal things. I can’t help myself! Next week sees me hopefully selling lots of stuff on Facebook & EBay. I have started just not sold anything yet. I have cleared my diary right down of events, so currently the only things costing money next week is more birthday present shopping. Where is the cheapest place to buy Fifa 17 on Xbox 360 anyone?
I’m linking up with Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.
5 Responses
Wow the Savoy class sounds amazing! Great to see you on Wednesday, and thought you looked very glam in your Instagram pics of the fancy dress party. I’m all in favour of packed lunches too, it makes a massive difference to our budget.
i was super chuffed with my handy dart sewing. No sign at all of the dress falling apart whilst out on the razzle:-)
Love your 5 frugal things (and Dr.H!)
Surely everyone loves Dr H??!! He was a charmer….
The choc workshop was fab fun. Such a giggle. Great frugal activities there Mrs Money Penny