5 Frugal Things Post 15 – Ending January with Positivity
Since last Friday I have started a new series of posts on Instagram. Every day I am writing about three positive things that have happened that day, with a picture of 1 or 2 of them. It’s having a wonderful effect on each day as it forces you to create positivity which in turns makes you feel more positive. All in the effort to beat the SAD winter blues and be as happy as possible. Check out my Instagram profile and give me a follow for the pictures.
Back to this week
- One of my favourite freebies is John Lewis free coffee and cake each month. I always use it!! On Wednesday Jack and I popped into Welwyn Garden City for a few jobs including free coffee and cake. On the same day, I also popped into Waitrose, 10:30am on Wed morning is a great yellow sticker time! I bought our dinner for £7 rather than £10, and the boys LOVED the reduced price organic duchy meatball!! Rather happy with my yellow sticker shop.
- Tuesday was the most fabulous day where I got to have a photo shoot and record a video with Pensionbee. I am part of a customer lead campaign promoting their pensions. Hurrah I am no longer in a pensions mess. Here is a blog post I wrote with them a few months back. My makeup and hair was done, they brought wardrobe. I then ensured I made use of my look heading over to my friends for cheese and wine later that evening. Nights in are the new night out and so much more frugal.
- I have resisted the urge to order takeaway this week. It’s been a tricky one this week as every night I have felt like I have wanted something naughty, maybe because hubby is on a healthy eating thing? But I didn’t and just made sure I ate what we had stashed in the freezer. I always ensure that we have a couple of emergency frozen pizzas just in case of that urge.
- I recorded a vlog last night on Aldi Lacura make up products. These are such a bargain and are amazingly good
quality. I have now switched my makeup from expensive Bobbi Brown to Aldi for things like concealer, mineral powder, eye liner and mascara. The under-eye concealer is a dead mimic of Touché Eclat, for maybe £20 less!! And I love their mascara range. Check out my video where I apply the make-up. See if you think my face looks good.
- With the help of Super Lucky Di, we have come up with a new frugal promotional tool for our book Blogging Your Way To Riches. We are running a competition to give away 3 copies of the book via a rafflecopter competition being hosted on Emma’s website here. Have a read of our latest bit of content released from book (on how to make money this week) and enter the competition.
I’m linking up with Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.
5 Responses
I always hear great things about the Aldi Make Up. I need to try it sometime soon.
If you are going to try anything go for the under eye concealer and the mascara;-)
I know Faith, most proud of myself for finding some nice Waitrose yellow sticker bargains. x
I have never managed to get the deals I see other money bloggers posting, things for 10p etc!! #3positivethings is great
I’m going to try out the Aldi makeup as well, I generally only wear eye makeup and lipstick so I’ll try the mascara 🙂