As time goes on with Mrs Mummypenny more people know who I am. My followers seem to naturally increase as you lovely readers share my content. I like to get the most from my money which is a message that lands well with so many people and brands and I have a few wish list brands, one of which is Disney.
Dylan, Josh and Jack all love Disney. From Cars to Toy Story to Lion King to, of course, Nemo. We have seen the new Finding Dory trailer maybe 5 times in the past year of cinema trips so everyone is very happy to see it finally arrived in the cinema this week. Jack has been a bit obsessed with getting various bits of Dory merchandise. He has sunglasses and a sticker book spied on recent Aldi shopping trips. So the invite to a Dory event in the Oxford St Disney store was a MUST attend 🙂
Epson Eco tank
There are many partnerships between Disney and other brands, Epson is a really interesting one. A group of bloggers were invited for some lunch, crafting and an intro to the fancy new Eco tank printer range from Epson. Here is Love Leigh Lifestyle and I getting the train and we might have filmed a YouTube video too 😉 You may be thinking, hmmm that’s a strange link, but no its actually quite natural. Let me explain.
Who has a cheap printer? Me, me, I have a cheap printer for emergency printing only. It cost £40 from Tesco and costs a lot of money for replacement cartridges, hence it is only used for things like holiday boarding passes. Printing out essential forms. I used it to make party invites, 60 of them and I went through 3, yes 3 cartridges. That was not cost effective. I think in the past year I have spent maybe £100 on the printer and cartridges. I certainly do not use the printer for fun stuff like photos, printables and crafting.
The Eco tank Evolution
Printing has evolved and the Epson Eco tank printer is a bit different. It doesn’t use cartridges; it has ink tanks which can hold A LOT more ink and is estimated to last 2 years or 4000 pages on black/ 6500 pages of colour. This means no more stressing about what you are printing through fear of needing expensive new cartridges!
I received the ET-4500 2 weeks ago, great timing as I need to print out posters for a #shoplocalknebworth campaign and it was going to cost me £15 from the printers in the village! Set up was very easy and took me about 1 hour to download the software and get
everything working. The pictures and instructions for the setup was easy even for me to follow.
I have linked up my laptop, phone and tablet to the printer and have printed all sort of stuff like photos, posters, everything for holiday, craft stuff.
Disney Crafting #Printing Dory
We had an hour at the event to create Dory masterpieces from printables. We had so much crafting stuff from pens to glitter glue to sequins. Some of the bloggers took it very seriously. There were 2 very good prizes of Finding Dory premier tickets to be won. I spent most of the hour chatting to the guys from Epson, Disney & Zeal. I made friends with a few Hertfordshire bloggers, London Lucy, Mummy’s Zone and Leigh (as per the YouTube video) we chatted whilst cutting.
It was a fun event where I demonstrated no crafting skills what-so-ever, obviously I didn’t win premier tickets. But we had fun and I met some wonderful people, oh and I met Elsa.
We left the event with a goodie bag and a 20% off voucher for the Disney store. So Jack got Finding Dory swimming costume for holiday, the older boys got some Dory water squirters. Niknik got a plush Cinderella to add to her collection of Disney toys.
We can’t wait to go see the film, and have been sent some free cinema tickets by Disney. And thank you Channel 4 for showing Finding Nemo last night which I recorded ;-). We will be going to see the film after we come back from holiday.
Buying an Epson Eco-tank printer
If you are interested in buying the product head to Epson website to take a look or PC world/Staples for a demo. It’s very cool and if you need a decent printer I highly recommend it. Click here for the Amazon link. I have the 4500 version which is £247 on Amazon, but there is a ET-2500 model costing less at £197. A few less bells and whistles.
Value for money?
I am not going to lie, it is an expensive printer. There is a hefty outlay up front, but then with no ongoing costs. If you print a fair bit, photos, party invites, boarding passes, insurance documents, want to do freebie crafting with the kids this will be a great option for you.
I would expect this amount of printing with a cheapo printer like I used to have with the many extra ink cartridges to cost around £200 for 2 years. Printer at £50, 10 * Black Ink and 6 * Colour Ink at £8 each = £128 = Total cost of £178. Its much the same in terms of cost.
Where is does create value for me is in saving time and lack of hassle. I love things that help me with these things. This printer will mean I can do everything easily myself with no worry of cost and use of ink. Stress removal will often win for me.
Disney Printables
Disney do the best range of FREE printables, from all their films. I have printed out lots, wreck it Ralph today, I love that film;-)
This post was written in collaboration with Dory, Disney and Epson. I received the printer and Finding Dory cinema tickets free of charge. This post contains Amazon affiliate links where I will receive a small commission if you went on to make a purchase. Thank you for supporting Mrs Mummypenny.